The true meaning of dreams

  • Youash Arkhiom Gewargis (Author)
    B.Sc. Ed. Surrey Association of Professional Teachers B.C. ,Canada
    Department of Science & Mathematics (senior Teacher)

Identifiers (Article)


Dream  researchers have failed to solve the dream's riddle. The main reason is that almost all have adopted the content-approach, initiated by the two prominent pioneers, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.  In this  study dreams will be viewed from an entirely different vantage point: Dreams are seen as  a component of a more intricate mechanism,  run by the brainstem and in collaboration with the peripheral  nervous system's two parts, namely the  parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems; the vision; pontes and a few muscles. This complex mechanism takes over the task of safeguarding the living organisms (mostly viviparous  mammals and birds) during the sleep---a physiologically dictated slumber that all  living organisms must undergo, to regenerate and rejuvenate.  At sleep, the body functions are lowered to the  minimum permissible level of their respective operations, and sustained  at such a dangerous level,  without  allowing  the  body from slipping into the impermissible and  undesirable territories; thence  obtaining the best regeneration and rejuvenation results for the  perpetually operating  body organs, like central brain and the heart, prior to the start of a new  cycle of normal duties.  In this study,  the role of each  component of this complex defence-mechanism will be thoroughly  explained; and how together they  safeguard the organism   from  two main risks within, that surface out mostly during the deep- sleep level.


How to Cite
Gewargis, Y. A. (2016). The true meaning of dreams. International Journal of Dream Research, 9(2), 197–201.