Studiul materialului paleofaunistic din aşezarea cucuteniană de la Scânteia, jud. Iaşi

  • Maria Ştirbu (Author)

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On the Paleofaunistic Material from the Cucuteni Culture, Settlement from Scânteia Village, Iaşi County

The paleofaunistic material analyzed in the present study is represented by 6,510 bony pieces, of which 4,101 had been determined. The highly fragmentary character of the bony material is a proof of resulting from the kitchen rests of the inhabitants. Distribution of the material under study on species, the absolute and relative frequency of the bony fragments, along with that of the individuals, is presented in Table 1. Analysis of the data recorded in the table evidences the predominance of domestic animals (94.25) over the wild ones (5.7) - which is indicative of the importance of animal growing in the society ef the time. Here, the same situation as is most of the Neolithic places - i.e., the absolute frequency of cattle - should be mentioned. The second position is occupied by pigs, while the third by sheeps and goats. The higher frequency of pigs (30.79) versus that of sheep and goats (18.38) pleads for a more sedentary population. The low occurrence of wild animals suggests that hunting occupies only a secondary place among the occupation of the Cucuteni culture people of Scânteia. The presence of valves belonging to river shells is a proof that the inhabitants were also involved in picking as a means of food procurement.

