Cercetarea arheologică ieşeană în ultimii 50 de ani. Epoca paleolitică

  • Vasile Chirica (Author)

Identifiers (Article)

Identifiers (Files)


The Archaeological Research in Iaşi in the Last 50 Years. The Palaeolithic Epoch

The paper points out the older and recent contributions of some scientists such as: N. N. Moroşan, N. N. Zaharia, Em. Zaharia, M. Petrescu-Dîmboviţa, V. Chirica a.o. They carried on their works and activities mainly in the basins of the rivers Bistriţa and the Middle-Prut, where some important sites were discovered, as follows: Bicaz, Ripiceni, Mitoc, Dolhasca. The remains of these sites chronologically belong to the Musterian and Upper Paleolithic (Aurignacian and Gravettian) periods. The results of all these investigations and studies are integrated in the general European scientifîc efforts of the 20th century.

