Prezenţa unor recipiente de lut legate de exploatarea sării în așezări ale culturii Cucuteni de la răsărit de Carpaţi

  • Vasile Diaconu (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The article discusses several types of clay pots, which have been linked to the exploitation of salt from saline sources and have been discovered in the settlements of the Cucuteni culture between the Carpathians and the Prut. The author presents several remains of briquettages, mostly from settlements in the sub-Carpathian area of Moldova. There are also some clay ladles, with analogies at Provadia (Bulgaria), whose functionality is also
closely related to the exploitation of salt. The latter were discovered only at the site of Poduri (Bacău County). The sites discussed in the text are located, in most cases, at relatively small distances from the salt springs (5-7 km). For this reason, it is believed that the briquettage remains found in the settlements can be considered evidence of salt exchange, and those sites can be categorized as centers that controled salt sources and distributed it on large spaces. The settlements where such vestiges were discovered belong mainly to the Cucuteni A and A-B phases.

