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Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
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28 items
The Ripple Effect
Leigh Chalmers, Pippa Treavett
2024: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Cross Tay Link Road – community benefits and social value from archaeological work
Warren Bailie
2024: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Bones & Bytes: Raising public awareness about musculoskeletal research with digitised archaeological bone specimens
Flora Gröning, Bruce Mann
2024: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
‘We can see a castle from our classroom’: Academy9 – an opportunity to deliver social value through archaeology along the A9 road corridor
Natasha Ferguson, Elise Christensen, Kevin Mooney
2024: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Lower Thames Crossing: investing in communities
Katrina Foxton, MOLA, Steve Sherlock
2024: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Placing geophysical survey at the centre of archaeological and heritage services
Rok Plesnicar, Nicholas Crabb, Tom Richardson
2023: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
A geoarchaeological approach to evaluating large land parcels
Clive Waddington
2023: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Metal detecting as an evaluation technique: Detailed and Partial Artefact Survey (DAPAS)
Keith Westcot
2023: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Approaches to evaluation and assessment for linear infrastructure: HS2 Phase One
John Halsted
2023: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Managing archaeology: evaluation techniques that reduce uncertainty
Die Redaktion
2023: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Excavation for wellbeing – volunteering in the Covid-19 pandemic
Penelope Foreman
2021: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Public engagement in our everyday work
Clemency Cooper
2021: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Powering and protecting Scottish Heritage
Kevin Mooney
2021: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Hollis Croft: a matter of time – archaeological comic book
Mili Rajic
2021: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Innovations: new ways to deliver social value through archaeology
Die Redaktion
2021: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
A strategic approach to adaptive reuse
Jeremy Lake
2022: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Eastward Farmhouse and attached barns, The Lake District
Catherine Bell
2022: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Teesworks Industrial Zone
Amir Bassir
2022: Professional archaeology: a guide for clients
Visualising archaeological potential: a deposit-modelling case study from Beam Park Riverside, Dagenham
Daniel Young, Rob Batchelor, Robert Masefield, Helen Hawkins
2020: Yearbook and Directory
Access to maritime archaeology for all: tools to visualise, understand and value significant heritage assets
Julie Satchell, Brandon Mason, Garry Momber
2020: Yearbook and Directory
Adding value to marine geophysics with visual interpretation
Alison James, Mark James
2020: Yearbook and Directory
New visualisations, same data
Gary Jones, Ken Welsh
2020: Yearbook and Directory
Visual interpretation, survey and graphics: adding value to archaeology
Hannah Kennedy
2020: Yearbook and Directory
Enhancing a sense of place and time
Andrew Hood
2019: Yearbook and Directory
Engagement with the public through planning-led archaeology: a local government advisor’s perspective
Norman Redhead
2019: Yearbook and Directory
1-25 of 28
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