Les collections égyptologiques au Brésil : une histoire, une identité et un pouvoir construits

  • Cintia A. Gama-Rolland (Author)

    Cintia A. GAMA-ROLLAND studied at the École Pratique des Hautes Études–Sorbonne, the Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro and the Universidade de São Paulo. She is currently professor at Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, associated researcher at the Museu de Arqueologia and cultural mediator at the Musée des Confluences.


This article aims to present certain Brazilian Egyptology collections such as those of the Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da USP – São Paulo, the Museu de Arte de São Paulo, the Casa Museu Eva Klabin Rapaport – Rio de Janeiro as well as that of the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro. Looking beyond the objects, it is the context in which these collections formed that is of interest. Indeed, these antiquities were collected by a social elite wishing to connect to what was considered scholarly and socially acceptable in upper social echelons.

