Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Eva Schlotheuber, Susan Marti und Margot Fassler; Liturgical Life & Latin Learning at Paradies bei Soest, 1300–1425. Inscription and Illumination in the Choir Books of a North German Dominican Convent

  • Klaus Gereon Beuckers (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


Rezension zu: Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Eva Schlotheuber, Susan Marti und Margot Fassler; Liturgical Life & Latin Learning at Paradies bei Soest, 1300–1425. Inscription and Illumination in the Choir Books of a North German Dominican Convent; Münster in Westfalen: Aschendorff Verlag 2016; 2 Bde., 1 441 S., zahl. Abb.; ISBN 978-3-402-13072-8

