The Choir books of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence. Band I: The illuminators and illuminations of the choir books from Santa Maria degli Angeli and Santa Maria Nuova and their documents/Band II: The reconstructed „Diurno domenicale" from Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence
Identifier (Artikel)
Identifier (Dateien)
Rezension zu: The Choir books of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence.Band I: The illuminators and illuminations of the choir books from Santa Maria degli Angeli and Santa Maria Nuova and their documents; bearb. von Mirella Fevi d'Ancona. Florenz: Centro Di 1994; 230 S., 96 Abb.; ISBN 88-7038- 258-3
Band II: The reconstructed „Diurno domenicale" from Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence; bearb. von Mirella Fevi d'Ancona. Florenz: Centro Di 1993; 63 S., 21 Abb.; ISBN 88-7038-245-1
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