Masonic and Esoteric Heritage. New Perspectives for Art and Heritage Policies
Identifier (Artikel)
Identifier (Dateien)
Rezension zu: Masonic and Esoteric Heritage. New Perspectives for Art and Heritage Policies. Proceedings of the First International Conference of the OVN, 20-21 October 2005, The Hague, the Netherlands [Stichting ter bevordering van wetenschappelijk Onderzoek naar de geschiedenis van de Vrijmetselarij in Nederland]; Hrsg. A. Kroon, M. Bax, J. Snoek; Den Haag: Foundation for the Advancement of Academic Research into the History of Freemasonry in the Netherlands 2005; 256 S.; ISBN-10: 90-8077-782-X, ISBN-13: 978-90-8077-782-8Statistiken


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