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Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
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Zabłocka-Kos, Agnieszka
10 Titel
Zabłocka-Kos, Agnieszka
Spolia – nowe spojrzenie na przedmiot badań
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 65 Nr. 3 (2022): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
„Światło i forma”
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 5 Nr. 3 (2007): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
“The First Such Liberal Undertaking in Breslau”
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 55 Nr. 1 (2020): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
Niedatowany odczyt (referat) Maksa Berga
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 40 Nr. 2 (2016): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
Obca władza. O Rosjanach w Królestwie Polskim
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 35 Nr. 1 (2015): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
Manifest modernizmu: siedziba Bauhausu w Dessau
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 27 Nr. 1 (2013): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
Wielki odrzucony Wystawa „ERNST MAY (1886–1970). Neue Städte auf drei Kontinenten”
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 23 Nr. 1 (2012): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
Trwałość? Użyteczność? Piękno? Architektura dwudziestego wieku w Polsce
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 12 Nr. 2 (2009): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
Międzynarodowe interdyscyplinarne seminarium poświęcone sztuce sakralnej
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 8 Nr. 2 (2008): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
Relacja z konferencji "Przywracanie Pamięci
Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław Bd. 5 Nr. 3 (2007): Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław
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