The interface for functions in the dune-functions module

  • Christian Engwer (Author)
  • Carsten Gräser (Author)
  • Steffen Müthing (Author)
  • Oliver Sander (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The dune-functions Dune module introduces a new programmer interface for discrete and non-discrete functions. Unlike the previous interfaces considered in the existing Dune modules, it is based on overloading operator(), and returning values by-value.  This makes user code much more readable, and allows the incorporation of newer C++ features such as lambda expressions.  Run-time polymorphism is implemented not by inheritance, but by type erasure, generalizing the ideas of the std::function class from the C++11 standard library.  We describe the new interface, show its possibilities, and measure the  performance impact of type erasure and return-by-value.



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Supplementary Content

Academic discipline and sub-disciplines
Scientific Computing, Computer Science, Software Design
dune, dune-functions, functions, type erasure, return-by-value, duck typing