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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The descriptive text as PDF, including installation instructions. Please use the style files on Github to prepare your submission.
  • The source code with a makefile or similar.
  • A copyright statement for the code and an Open Source License.
  • Instructions/scripts to reproduce results in the article

Author Guidelines

Help for the submission process

  1. Above, either login, if you already have an account, or register. Make sure to check the box for your role as Author.
  2. After logging in, click on the tab User Home, and there, under Archive of Numerical Software, on the link Author. This will show all your active submissions as well as offer you to submit a new article at the bottom.

Please review the section policies and editorial policies to decide whether your submission qualifies for the Archive of Numerical Software. Please refer to the section on Review Criteria as well, when you prepare your submission. Submissions should contain the following items:

  1. The source code including auxiliary files like input data, see detailed requirements below.
  2. An article in PDF format, describing the code and the mathematics behind it. The article must clearly point out which parts of the code are novel and what this novelty consists in. Appendix A of the article must contain instructions on installation of the code and running it to produce results presented in the article. For production purposes, we may require LaTeX sources of the article as well as PDFs of all images. The final submission must use the journal style file available on Github.
  3. Any additional data the authors consider helpful. The submission of graphical output in color and videos where applicable is encouraged.
  4. Copyright information including an OSI approved Open Source license for use and distribution.

Authors are encouraged to submit a compressed tar file (.tar.gz or .tgz) containing the files listed under 2 and 3, possibly with a subdirectory containing the article sources. Alternatively, the files can be submitted separatel. In this case, the artivle PDF should be the main file submitted. Source code and other files should be provided as supplementary material.

Requirements on the Source Code

All regular articles published in the Archive of Numerical Software must be accompanied by a complete set of programs including instructions how to compile and run them, such that their results can be verified by readers. In particular:

  1. Source code should be in plain text, well-structured and annotated with comments. The source code should encourage and assist readers to run their own experiments.
  2. Information on which library versions the code requires must be included. In general, dependencies on external libraries should be for their last public releases. The use of a not yet released version is permitted; however, publication will be delayed until the library is released and the author has verified compatibility with the released version.
  3. A configuration script must be included, which sets the paths to the libraries the program depends on. A simple command like 'make run' should produce the executable and run it with suitable parameters. Programs that can not be run easily by a reviewer will be rejected without further review.
  4. A 'Makefile' or script which allows the editor to run the program and reproduce some output in the article with a single command.
  5. Scripts or simple instructions for producing additional results in the article.


All results presented in the article must be reproducible using only a few, simple commands and basic editing. We encourage to provide scripts which automatically set parameters and execute examples, but a confined section in the source code where parameters can be easily edited is acceptable.

In furthering the journal's goal of promoting the use and re-use of code, codes should be compatible with widely used and widely available software (operating systems, compilers) and hardware (CPUs). Papers that require special hardware should provide:

  1. scripts and environment information that allow to reproduce the results for anyone who has access to such hardware;
  2. a simplified version of the code that runs on standard hardware, for example a multicore or single-GPU desktop.


The source code must be provided under an OSI (Open Source initiative) approved Open Source license in order to encourage its reuse as a basis for developments by others. It is the responsibility of the author to choose a license compatible.

Regular Articles

In this section, we publish well-structured pieces of application software together with an accompanying article describing the functionality, mathematical foundation, and providing example results. They are based on one of the libraries listed in the section on editorial policies. They have been tested to run and produce at least part of the results in the article.

Short Communications

Short communications provide information about updates to codes that were described in a previous article. These could be for instance adaptations to new library versions, or the use of a more advanced component in part of the code. These submissions should contain the complete and self-contained updated revision of the code they refer to, accompanied by an article outlining the changes and their purpose. Technical requirements are the same as for regular submissions, but novelty requirements are not as strict. Nevertheless, the update must be a significant improvement. Depending on the nature of the update, the editor might abbreviate the peer review process.

Library Introductions

These are short communications or regular articles introducing a new software library for public use. Articles in the Archive of Numerical Software can be based on such a library, and an introduction or an introduction of the features of a new version will help authors referencing the library. In order to be added, a software library must meet the following criteria:
  1. Quality manifested in a well-documented user interface, correctness of implementation, and the use of modern software practices such as regular testing. Object-oriented code is welcome, but not necessary.
  2. Availability under an OSI approved Open Source license.
  3. Accessibility in the sense that the library does not require excessively many or unusual software to be installed and that configuration and installation can be performed in few and easy steps.
  4. Utility such that the scope of the library is sufficiently wide and its use results in considerably shorter or better structured application programs.
  5. An existing user base that extends beyond the institution that created the software.

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