Comentarii pe marginea unei recenzii semnate de A. A. Rusu

  • Lia Bătrîna (Author)
  • Adrian Bătrîna (Author)

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Comments on a Review Signed by A. A. Rusu

The present discussion has emerged as response to a book review – written and published by A. A. Rusu – which refers to a monograph in which its authors (Lia Bătrîna and Adrian Bătrîna) showcase the results of the archaeological research conducted in Rădăuţi, at the church of Saint Nicholas (Sfântul Nicolae), a necropolis of the first Moldavian princes. By virtue of the principle “audiatur et altera pars”, we intend to respond to Mr. Rusu’s criticism and observations, since we find them to be – almost exclusively – unfounded.

Keywords: "Saint Nicholas" church in Rădăuţi, Moldavia, medieval arcaeology, medieval ceramics, princely necropolis, medieval jewelry, princely garments, DNA analysis, heraldry, genealogy, ecclesiastical architecture, murals.

