Fibule din secolele II-IV p. Chr. din complexul de fortificaţii Ibida (Slava Rusă, jud. Tulcea)
Identifiers (Article)
The subject of the present paper is the technical and contextual analysis of nine fibulae from the fortified site of Ibida (Slava Rusă, Tulcea County), which are arrayed chronologically from the 2nd to the 4th century AD. These finds, together with other artifacts of the Late Roman fortification, contribute to the uncovering of some important aspects of daily life in Ibida, in a period about which we know almost nothing. Typology-wise, the group of finds consist of three strongly profiled fibulae, one Knee fibula, four fibulae with returned foot, and one Scheibenfibel, in cross. Most of these finds originate from well-defined archaeological levels, which dating is corroborated by other artifacts. The archaeological materials in question support the presence, in this area of Moesia Inferior province, of a civilian and/or military settlement during the classical Roman period. The other brooches are random finds, although one can safely assume that these originate in the same area of the fortified site of Ibida.


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