Plastică zoomorfă inedită descoperită în așezarea cucuteniană de la Scânteia - Dealul Bodeștilor/La Nuci (jud. Iași)

  • Radu-Gabriel Furnică (Autor/in)

Identifier (Dateien)


Unpublished Zoomorphic Representations Discovered in the Cucutenian Settlement at Scânteia - Dealul Bodeștilor/La Nuci (Iași County)

In this paper we will present a group of unpublished zoomorphic representations discovered during excavations in the Cucutenian settlement at Scânteia. Most of them are fragmented and for this reason we were able to identify the species only in a few cases. One of the most interesting objects shows a pregnant sheep, unique for the Neolithic and Eneolithic in the territory between Eastern Carpathians and the Prut river. All of the artefacts are analyzed in the first instance after the type of the representation and then after decoration, paste, color and context in which they were discovered. Also, we have created a catalog which includes data for every object and, at the end of the paper, there are images for each of zoomorphic representations discussed. We hope that this report will be useful for the knowledge of the zoomorphic plastic art especially the one from Scânteia - Dealul Bodeştilor/La Nuci.

Keywords: Cucuteni, Scânteia, zoomorphic statuettes, ornitomorphic statuette, clay horns.

