Un tezaur de monede moldoveneşti de la începutul secolului al XVI-lea în legătură cu înfiinţarea mănăstirii armeneşti „Adormirea Maicii Domnului - Hagigadar” din apropierea oraşului Suceava

  • Monica Dejan (Autor/in)

Identifier (Dateien)


The article presents some information about the foundation of the Armenian monastery Assumption of the Virgin – Hagigadar near Suceava, and about its founder, Drăgan Dănovac. The archaeological investigation made there in 2010, unearthed a hoard of seven Moldavian coins issued under Bogdan III (1504–1517). The presence of this hoard was linked with the start of the building site, probably between 1511 and 1512. Drăgan Dănovac, an Armenian merchant, lived in Suceava in the first half of the 16th century. His name was recorded in documents that reflect a series of legal disputes between the Armenian community of Suceava and Saint Elias’ Monastery about a landed property in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Keywords: hoard, Armenian community, Suceava city, the 16th century, Drăgan Dănovac.

