Noi bronzuri figurate din Dobrogea

  • George Nuţu (Autor/in)
  • Costel Chiriac (Autor/in)

Identifier (Dateien)


Recent studies concerning the figural bronze pieces from Dobrudja have shown their iconographic diversity and the influences that occurred in northeastern Moesia. New discoveries, presented in the present article, bring contributions to the domain of minor statuary pieces, furniture appliqués and zoomorphic representations of the region between the Danubius and the Pontus. Seven fragments of statuettes are presented, of which three made of silver, appliqués representing divinities, mythological characters (such as Amor, Attis, Gorgona/Medusa), anonymous or animal-like figures, an oenochoe handle with the image of a maenad, and one of the rare enameled figurines representing a rooster. The hereby presented figural bronze pieces, discovered in an unknown place on the Dobrudjan territory, chronologically belong to the 2nd–3rd centuries AD.

Keywords: early Roman period, Moesia Inferior, Dobrudja, figural bronze pieces, fragments of statuettes, decorative appliqués.

