L’art mobilier du Paléolithique Supérieur en Europe occidentale et méridionale
Identifiants (Article)
Identifiants (Fichiers)
Our approach focuses on the art of the Upper Palaeolithic portable art in Western and Southern Europe. This geographical area covers roughly the current territory of Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Belgium. Portable art means all artistic representations on a movable support. In addition, we refer only to the visual arts and we exclude scenic arts, music, dance, and generally any kind of perishable art (including transient visual arts, such as sand drawings or paintings on bark) that has not survived to this day as an archaeological witness. We are analyzing figurines, carved contours, pebbles, pendants, pierced sticks, propellants, harpoons, lamps, pots, spears, spatula, rings, jewellery, and other utilitarian or non-utilitarian object that possess any form of decoration – figurative and / or geometric – and which is portable.Keywords: Portable art, figurines, pendants, pierced sticks, propellants, harpoons, lamps, pots, spears, spatula, rings, jewellery, stylistic elements.
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