Un mormânt de la sfârşitul primei epoci a fierului de la Pocreaca-Iaşi

  • Constantin Iconomu (Auteur)

Identifiants (Article)

Identifiants (Fichiers)


Grave dating form the end of the first Iron Age in Pocreaca, Iaşi district

We present the inventory of a grave, probably an inhumation one, discovered by chance in the village of Pocreaca, Schitul Duca county, Iaşi district. The inventory of the grave, dated in the second half of the sixth century BC, includes one fibula, five bracelets, five buttons, wings from needles, an arrow point, a link, a finger ring and a mirror, all of them in bronze, together with a bone object of unknown use and twelve kauri shells. The fibula and the buttons are typically Thraco-Gethian, the bracelets, the winged needles and the arrow point are common for the Thraco-Gethians and the Scythians while the mirror and the kauri shells are brought by the Scythians.

