Studiul biometric asupra resturilor faunistice ale bovinelor domestice descoperite în situri preistorice din Transilvania
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The Biometric Study about the Fauna Remains of Cattle Discovered in the Prehistoric Archaeological Sites in TransylvaniaBased on the metric data we try to sketch some features of the bovines populations from the Transylvanian sites beginning with the Neolithic and all to the Roman conquest, when, it is well known, a general activity of the species ameloration started; in the same time, we followed the dimensional variation of the bovines in space and time. The fauna remains came from the archaeological sites belonging to the Early Neolithic (Starčevo-Criş culture) to the Middle Neolithic (Cluj - Cheile Turzii - Lumea Noua - Iclod and Vinča cultures), to Eneolithic (Petreşti culture), Early Bronze (Coţofeni culture), Bronze Age (Wietenberg, Otomani and Noua cultures), to Hallstatt and Dacian civilisation. The final data are represented on graphics (fig. 1 - 14), for particular skeleton elements: horncore, lower third molar (M3), scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, matacarpus, pelvis, femur, tibia, calcaneus, astragalus, metatarsus, phalanx I. The entire long bones gave the size of the cattle (tab. 1), following its evolution in time (fig. 15).
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