O locuinţă cu ceramică de factură tătărească descoperită în nordul Dobrogei

  • Gavrilă Simion (Auteur)

Identifiants (Article)

Identifiants (Fichiers)


Includes a summary in English

A Settlement with Tatarian Type Pottery Discovered in North Dobrudja

In this paper the author presents an isolated finding, from a settlement where the traces of a Hallstattian dwelling place were prevalent. The respective site lies on the promontory of hill, in the close neighbourhood of 22 National Road, Tulcea-Galaţi, at the crossword of the above-mentioned road with the way towards the Tichileşti Sanatory. Among the findings especially belonging to the Hallstatt period, we have also uncovered a pit, which was assigned to a dwelling house of mud-hut type; inside this pit, there was a quite important amount of ceramic fragments belonging to the feudal period - the XIVth century.  This pottery is oxidising burnt; the small pots, cups and bowl-shaped dishes are predominant. The characteristic of the pottery is offered by its decoration, which is supposed to have done with a comb having fine and well-sharpened cogs. Through the help of the comb, the potter created a strip of ribs, usually of a garland shape, in raw paste, on the maximum bulging area of the vessel. With the same comb, the craftsman created another decoration in the upper part of the vessel-on its shoulders or neck-made by pricks, or he repeated the strip of alveolar ribs in a new register, continuous or descontinuous. More rarely, they created a third decoration, in the shape of grooved or striated circles, disposed on the vessel’s shoulders or neck. This type of pottery was assigned as a product of the Tatar craftsmen. On the territory of the Republic of Moldova, this pottery was discovered inside the towns belonging to the Tatar domination period - the XlVth century.

