Prospectările geomagnetice de la Scânteia

  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici (Auteur)
  • Carsten Mischka (Auteur)

Identifiants (Article)


Over the time several magnetic prospectings have been performed for the investigation of the site: 1993-1994, M. Ghiţă, G. Manea; 2001-2004, Fl. Scurtu; 2007, 2015, C. Mischka; 2008, D. Micle, L. Măruia. Some of the magnetic anomalies have been verified through excavations (Surfaces I-VII/1995-2005). According to the last magnetic prospecting the site includes a very complex defensive system; two ditches surround an area of 6ha (external ditch) and respectively 4ha (internal ditch). Moreover, in the southern part another ditch has a parallel route with the two mentioned ditches. On the S and W part this ditch seems to have had a 5-8m width, while the others 3-5m. This outermost ditch does not have a clear outline on the N part. In the middle of the external ditch there is an entrance (6-7m) bordered by two parallel edges, 15m long, permitting the access. If to these ditches we add the defensive wall
(crossed by our excavations in 2005), and the possible palisade (Fig. 10), as well as the entrance, we can consider the settlement as a real fortress. In the inner ditch (enclosing 4ha) 55 dwellings with massive fired clay structures have been identified; we should also consider some unburned dwelling with rectangular foundation ditches which have not given enough signals to be integrated into magnetograms.

