Despre revistă


Arheologia Moldovei is one of the most prestigious Romanian scientific journals in the field of Archaeology, issued since 1961 by the Institute of Archaeology in Iasi, under the aegis of the Romanian Academy. Since 1990 the issues of the journal are published yearly.

The journal publishes larger studies, papers, as well as notes and reviews pertaining to all fields of Archaeology, in terms of both chronology (from prehistory to the Middle Ages) and thematic (from theoretical essays to excavation reports and archaeometry). The languages of publication are English, German, French and Romanian (the latter with with larger English abstracts).
Since its first issue, Arheologia Moldovei was an international journal which, even during the hard times of communism, provided authors from abroad with a forum and an opportunity for enhanced international collaboration. This is demonstrated, especially during the last years, by the large number of contributions by scholars from all over Europe, as well as from the rest of the world.


The submitted papers are peer reviewed by foreign and Romanian scholars, covering all aspects of Archaeology and all periods, from Prehistory to the Middle Ages, before being admitted for publication. Arheologia Moldovei operates a strictly blinded peer review process in which the reviewer's name is withheld from the author and, the author's name from the reviewer. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees.


Diese Zeitschrift bietet freien Zugang (Open Access) zu ihren Inhalten, entsprechend der Grundannahme, dass die freie öffentliche Verfügbarkeit von Forschung einem weltweiten Wissensaustausch zugute kommt.