Un lot de monede medievale şi moderne descoperit la Cetatea Albă. Observaţii preliminare

  • Ana Boldureanu (##default.groups.name.author##)
  • Ludmila Bacumenco-Pîrnău (##default.groups.name.author##)

Identifiers (Articol)


The authors are presenting 53 monetary issues dated between the 13th and 18th centuries which were discovered at Cetatea Albă and are now part of a private collection. The analysed batch contains 10 issues of the Golden Hoard, including two imitations, two Tartarian-Genovese coins, a Tartarian-Venetian coin, 10 Moldavian issues but also two coins countermarked in Cetatea Albă. The largest set is represented by the Ottoman issues from the period of Bayezid II – Mahmud II among which there are also two imitations. These are joined by two Crimean coins from the 15th and 18th century, as well as two issues of the Romano-Germanic Empire.

Keywords: Cetatea Albă, coins, denar, Golden Hoard, gross, Khanate of Crimea, Moldavian issues, Ottoman issues.

