Considerații preliminare asupra celor mai importante surse de materie primă litică întrebuințată în preistorie pentru realizarea utilajelor
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Preliminary Observations on the Most Important Sources of Lithic Rough Material Used for Making Implements in PrehistoryThe study of the sources concerning primary lithic assemblages is of a great importance in the archaeological research related to the prehistorical comunities. Based on the existence of a good quality primary lithic material in a certain area the prehistoric human being chose his living sites and also could make good strategies for exploitation surrounding areas. The archaeologist has to rebuild as accurate as possible the economical, social and spiritual life of the prehistoric time. The archaeologist has to focus to establish the outcrop spreading, based on the natural factors of the region and also to estimate the quality and the potential of these rocks in order to be manufactured by the prehistoric human being. After that the archaeologist has to interpret the possible ways of exploitation of these rocks. This is a preliminary study which describes only the outcrops found since now. All outcrop descriptions are taken from other studies and where it was necessary some corrections were made. Our study take into account only few types of rocks considered by the ancient human being as having special qualities. These rocks present a special way of breaking and a high hardness; some examples are: the silex, the radiolaria, the jasper, the volcanic glass, some rocks belonging to the schist group, the chert and chailles.


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