Două tunuri de bronz din perioada lui Ştefan cel Mare descoperite în cetatea Orheiului Vechi
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Two Bronze Cannons from the Time Stephan the Great Periode Discovered in the Medieval Fortresse Orheiul VechiIn the year 1999 there were discovered two cannons from bronze during the archaeological excavations from the medieval citadel of Orheiul Vechi (Rep. Moldova). The pieces of artillery were discovered in the locative complex no. 52 placed in the south-western corner of the citadel and dated with the second half of the 15th century - beginning of the 16th century. The cannons are worked in bronze through the method of moulding. There is represented a relieved emblem on the surface of the cannons. In the central part, the cannons had a small ear with an iron ring. Inside of one cannon was found a stone cannon ball. The length of the cannons is 62,8 cm and respectively 62,25 cm, the diameter in the region of the external aperture - 13,5 cm and 13,7 cm, the diameter of the aperture (the calibre) - 8,0 cm and 7,5 cm and the diameter of the burning room - 4,0 cm and 4,5 cm. The weight of the cannons is 26,60 kg and 31,05 kg. The cannons from Orheiul Vechi are probably of polish [Polish] origin. These pieces were part probably of the lot of artillery captured by the reign of the Country of Moldova Ştefan cel Mare (Stephan the Great) from the king Jan Olbraht as a result of the battle from Codrii Cosminului in the year 1497. The hiding of the cannons in the complex no. 52 of the citadel Orheiul Vechi is connected to the invasion in the Country of Moldova in the year 1510 of Tatars from Crimea lead by the khan Beti-Ghirei.
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