Din istoricul cercetării numismatice a Daciei preromane

  • Tiberius D. Părpăuţă (##default.groups.name.author##)

Identifiers (Articol)


About the History of Numismatic Research of Preroman Dacia

During its evolution, the Romanian historical research has known remarkable achievements and ancient numismatics, an integrated part of research, has also known a positive development. After an incipient period of the second half of the 19" century, the interest in ancient numismatics grows at the beginning of the 20" century this can be seen both from the publishing of numismatical journals (BSNR - The Bulletin of Romanian Numismatic Society and CNA - Numismatic and Archaeologicai Chronicle) and from the appeareance [appearance] of some important scholars. The establishing of the Romanian Numismatic Society (1903) and the Numismatic Department within the Library of Romanian Academy fostered the numismatic development in Romania. After 1945 the numismatic research knows a thriving time during which numismatists such as C. Moisil, B. Mitrea, Em. Condurachi, I. Winkler, E. Chirilă, D. Protase, C. Preda, Gh. Poenaru Bordea, M. Chiţescu, V. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, E. Oberländer-Târnoveanu, R. Ocheşeanu, N. Conovici, E. Nicola  stand out. In their works the above mentioned numismatists seek to solve major issues of the Romanian ancient history from a numismatic point of view using new scientific arguments.

