Geomagnetische Prospektion in (L)Ibida (Slava Rusă, Kreis Tulcea). Vorläufige Ergebnisse der ersten Etappe eines gemeinschaftlichen Forschungsprojekts des Archäologischen Instituts Iaşi und der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen

  • Carsten Mischka (
  • Alexander Rubel (
  • Mihaela Iacob (

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Geomagnetical Prospection in (L)Ibida (Slava Rusă Tulcea County). Preliminary Results of the First Stage of a Joint Research Project by the Archaeological Institute Iaşi and the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen

The site Slava Rusă, identified with the Roman settlement Ibida, is with more than 24 hectare one of the most important fortified Roman settlements in the Romanian Dobruja (Moesia Inferior), providing especially finds from Late Antiquity. The joint research project envisages an exhaustive geophysical survey of the site and its surroundings. In a first stage the German-Romanian team focussed on certain areas extra muros and on a larger plot inside the fortification. While the results from the surveys north and south-west of the ancient city limits had been rather disappointing the prospection inside the city walls delivered very interesting results of the architecture during late antiquity. Several larger building complexes (“insulae”) and roads could be identified, a fact that encourages the team to intensify the collaboration in the near future.

Keywords: Libida, Ibida, Slava Rusă, magnetic survey, geophysical survey, settlement archaeology, Roman Empire, Moesia Inferior.

