Date arheozoologice privind aşezarea geto-dacică de la Grădiştea (jud. Brăila)

  • Carmen Tarcan-Hrişcu (
  • Luminița Bejenaru (
  • Mircea Udrescu (

Identifiers (Articol)


Archaeozoological data concerning the Geto-Dacian settlement of Grădiştea (Brăila county)

Our research involves the study of the animal remains recovered from the Geto-Dacic level from Grădiștea settlement (2nd-1 st centuries B.C.). The bone samples come from four complexes: one dwelling (no. 12) and three pits (no 83, 147 and 148). Table 1 shows the distribution of faunal remains by complexes. There can be found six domestic specios: cattle, sheep/goat, pig, horse and dog. In comparison to animal husbandry, hunting secms to bc ofless importance. The ratio domestic/wild is 88.32/11.68%, on the basis of the estimated number of individuals. The wild species identified in this bone assemblage are: wild boar, red deer, roe deer and hare. The leading species of animal husbandry is cattle, followed by sheep/goat and pig. Only in dwelling the percentage of pig is higher than that of sheep/goat, on the basis of the estimated number of individuals. The mean value of the withers height of cattle is 109.9 (Fock). The animals were slaughtered espccially at 3.5-5 years. Most of the caprovines have reached maturity at the age of slaughter, which indicates that they had an economic value in addition to the provision of meat, which lays in the production of wool and milk. It seems that the lambs were slaughtered especially at the beginning of winter. Mass slaughter of pigs occurred before reaching maturity, fact which is charactcristic for this species, raised primarly for the production of meat. I-Iorsc was used as a draught power and probably also as a source of meat.

