FunG - Invariant-based modeling
Identifiers (Article)
Identifiers (Files)
This document describes a C++-library for the generation of invariant-based models, including first three derivatives.Using expression templates, features of C++11/14, forward automatic differentiation and modern SFINAE-techniques admits a highly efficient implementation with a simple, intuitive interface.
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Supplementary Content
Experiments for FunG - Invariant-based modeling
This file contains the material required for the tables in FunG - Invariant-based modeling. In particular it contains the code used for each of these tables and the source code for automatic differentiation (AD) libraries FunG was compared with.
Instructions for providing the required dependencies and a recent compiler are given in the contained README file. For extraction and compilation of the used AD libraries a script 'install-ad-libraries' is provided.
As build system cmake is used. Instructions for compiling and running the experiments are given in the README files in the subfolders
- performance-optimization/
- comparison-with-ad-libraries/
Instructions in the README files and the installation script have been tested in a virtual machine with a clean ubuntu 14.04. In case you encounter problems, please contact me under
DescriptionLicense is GPL v3.
Experiments for FunG
DescriptionThe experiments used in the paper have changed in the first revised version. The new experiments are provided here. Errors detected by the reviewers have been fixed.