Entangled Itineraries. A Transformation of Taweret into the 'Minoan Genius'?
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This paper deals with the appearance of the Minoan Genius in the Aegean Middle and Late Bronze Age. In its earliest depictions, a strong Egyptian influence is apparent, which raises questions about the distribution and transfer of motifs, things and ideas through space and time. Starting in Egypt, the appearance and function of Taweret will be illustrated first, followed by the development of the Minoan Genius, presented in some specific examples. In the second part, some theoretical concepts will be discussed that deal with travelling and distribution of objects and ideas. Therefore, some stations of a possible encounter will behighlighted, illustrating some possibilities of transfer by people, who have to be understood as an active part within a Mediterranean meshwork of exchange. In merging theory and the archaeological record, some stepping stones of cultural entanglement can be worked out and will demonstrate how
motifs can travel and merge within different cultural entities.