eAQUA: Text als „Wissensrohstoff?“
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The following article summarizes the main results of the last three years working on the eAQUA project – an interdisciplinary collaboration between computer science and classical studies. The work is based on the notion of text as a resource of knowledge (“Wissensrohstoff”). By using the methods of text mining, that means automatic analysis methods, new results should be found and unexpected connections should be identified. The developed tools are not new in computer science but the benefit lies in the more efficient work with the ancient texts. The paper gives also a short preview to the development of the eHumanities infrastructure that will be coordinated by CLARIN-Europe. At the same time a new project - “Dissemination” - begins, which follows eAQUA. So the results of eAQUA will be continued on a permanent basis in a close cooperation with other colleagues.Statistiken
TextMining, Wissensrohstoff Text, eHumanities, CLARIN