Bernard Aikema: Jacopo Bassano and His Public. Moralizing Pictures in an Age of Reform ca. 1535-1600 / Paolo Berdini: The Religious Art of Jacopo Bassano - Painting as Visual Exegesis / Jacopo Bassano

  • Arnold Witte (Forfatter)

Identifikatorer (Artikel)

Identifikatorer (Filer)


Rezension zu: Bernard Aikema: Jacopo Bassano and His Public. Moralizing Pictures in an Age of Reform ca. 1535-1600. Transl. Andrew P. McCormick. Princeton NJ: University Press 1996; XVI + 257 pp., 147 + XII plates; ISBN 0-691-04395-7
Paolo Berdini: The Religious Art of Jacopo Bassano - Painting as Visual Exegesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1997; XIV + 208 pp., 43 + VIII plates; ISBN 0-521-56170-1
Jacopo Bassano (1510c.-1592) (Bollettino del museo civico di Bassano, N.S. 17-18, 1996-1997); Bassano del Grappa: Museo - Biblioteca - Archivio 1998; 108 pp., 32 plates; ISBN 88-85821-04-9

