The stained-glass Windows in the Sint Janskerk at Gouda
Identifier (Artikel)
Identifier (Dateien)
Rezension zu: The stained-glass Windows in the Sint Janskerk at Gouda; Vol. I. The glazing of the clerestory of the choir and of the former monastic church of the Regulars, by Henny van Harten-Boers, Zsuzsanna van Ruyven-Zeman with the collaboration of Christiane E. Coebergh-Surie and Herman Janse (Corpus Vitrearum Netherlands I); Amsterdam: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen 1997; 184 S. mit 92 SW-Abb., 28 Fig. und 12 Farbtaf.; ISBN 90-6984-197-5Statistiken
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