Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya: Gardner's Art through the ages/Study guide for Gardner's Art through the Ages/Instructors Manual and Test Bank for Gardner's Art through the Ages/Multimedia Manager for Gardner's Art through the Ages

  • Sonja Hochhausen (Author)

Identifiers (Article)

Identifiers (Files)


Rezension zu: Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya: Gardner's Art through the ages, 12th Edition; Beimont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning 2005, 1150 S., mehr als 1400, meist farbige Abb., Pläne und Karten; ISBN 0-15-505090-7

Study guide for Gardner's Art through the Ages, 12th Edition, 2 vols., prepa- red by Kathleen Cohen; Beimont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning 2005; 238 S. und 272 S.; ISBN 0-534-64096-6 (vol. 1) und 0-534-64092-3 (vol. 2)

Instructors Manual and Test Bank for Gardner's Art through the Ages, 12th Edition, prepared by Lilla Sweatt; Beimont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning 2005; 715 S.; ISBN 978-0-534-64083-5

Multimedia Manager for Gardner's Art through the Ages, 12th Edition; a Microsoft PowerPoint Tool. Wadsworth Thomson Learning 2005

