About the Journal

Neo-Lithics. The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research was founded in 1994 by Hans Georg K. Gebel and Gary O. Rollefson as a journal of the independent scientific and non-profit association ex oriente e.V., and has since then been published at the Free University Berlin. Since 2018, Neo-Lithics is available as an open access e-journal, since 2021 as a Propylaeum-eJournal. It is edited by an international board.
Older issues can be found here.


Topics: Neo-Lithics provides timely and comprehensive information on current research and topics in the prehistoric archaeology of Southwest Asia, with a special focus on Neolithic research. Excavation and conference reports, book reviews as well as current information pertaining to this subject area are welcome. If you would like to guest edit a special issue on a particular topic, please contact the editors.

Publication Procedure: Articles can be submitted at any time via a member of the editorial board, and must pass an internal review process. Edited articles are successively published online open access.

Neo-Lithics encourages also early career researchers to publish their research work. To support them, the editorial board was expanded in 2019; its members assist younger authors as volunteer mentors.

Guidelines (short): Authors agree to write their articles according to the established guidelines. Articles can be submitted in English or French but must have been approved by native speakers beforehand. The editors of Neo-Lithics only accept articles if they comply with the guidelines. Publications in Neo-Lithics are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4. This license is deemed to be accepted when the article is submitted. When using external material (e.g., images, graphics etc.), it is assumed that the authors independently ensure that the necessary copyrights have been obtained under this license.


Editors/Editorial board:
Emma Baysal, Trakya University, Edirne, elbaysal@ankara.edu.tr
Marion Benz, Freie Universität Berlin & ex oriente e.V., marion.benz@fu-berlin.de (editor-in-chief)
Fanny Bocquentin, C.N.R.S., UMR7041, Nanterre, fanny.bocquentin@cnrs.fr
Amy Bogaard, School of Archaeology, Oxford, amy.bogaard@arch.ox.ac.uk
Ferran Borrell, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC), ferran.borrell@imf.csic.es
Hans Georg K. Gebel, ex oriente e.V. & Freie Universität Berlin, hggebel@zedat.fu-berlin.de (editor-in-chief)
Osamu Maeda, University of Tsukuba, osmaeda@yahoo.co.jp
Ianir Milevski, Israel Antiquities Authority, ianirmilevski@gmail.com

Former editors:
Gary O. Rollefson
Jürgen Baumgarten
Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow

Founding editors:
Hans Georg K. Gebel
Gary O. Rollefson

Advisory board:
Anna Belfer-Cohen, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Frank Hole, Yale University
Necmi Karul, Istanbul University
Bernd Müller-Neuhof, DAI Berlin
Maysoon al-Nahar, Jordan University Amman
Mehmet Özdoğan, University of Istanbul
Tobias Richter, Copenhagen University
Danielle Stordeur, Archéorient, C.N.R.S., Jalès

Stephanie Merten, Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel

Public Relations & Communications:
Martin Renger, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg