Współczesne miejsca pamięci: pomniki, tablice, mogiły w kontekście upamiętnienia tradycji i kultury Kresów na terenie województwa dolnośląskiego

  • Michał Siekierka (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Contemporary memory places: monuments, plaques, graves in the context of commemorating
the traditions and culture of Kresy in the Lower Silesian

According to the Yalta rules, the inhabitants of the former Poland’s eastern province, among others: Volhynia (Volhynian Voivodeship), Lviv (Lwów Voivodeship), Stanyslaviv (Stanisławów Voivodeship) and Tarnopil (Tarnopol Voivodeship) were forced to leave and settle in new areas of the so-called Recovered Territories. The expatriates were expelled to the lands that did not form an integral part of pre-war Poland. They have come to areas of foreign tradition, architecture, urban planning, a different climate (mountains) and the unknown past. During the Polish People’s Republic, the expatriates did not have the opportunity to commemorate those who died in the east. It was only after the turn of 1989 that hope came to regain its history. The tradition of Polish religious culture is the need to bury loved ones and take care of the place of their rest. Memorials are places of symbolic burial for those who died in the east in the years 1939–1945. Which the 1990s memorials began to disseminate in Lower Silesia, becoming part of its symbolism of architecture. Their construction is a bottom-up initiative. Their stylistics are inscribed in the cultural identity and survival of the first settlers who came to the lands of western Poland after 1945. They are not only memories of past history, history and culture, but also important social function.

