Nowe tendencje w architekturze, rzeźbie architektonicznej i zdobieniu wnętrz Lwowa 1905-1918

  • Jurij Biriulow (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


New tendencies in architecture, architectural sculpture and interior design in Lwów (Lemberg, now Lviv) 1905-1918

The evolution of forms in Lviv architecture after 1905 and the logics of stylistic development had diminished the admiration over the ornament and caused transition from the dynamic strain towards equilibrium and harmony. The outer shapes of buildings started to demonstrate the tectonics. The tendency towards simple, clear blocks, geometrization of forms, limitation of decoration or its radical elimination - characteristic for the Modernism - is to be found for instance in residential building. Rational planning and underlining of function by the use of new materials and constructions, especially reinforced concrete, can be seen in many industrial buildings. In public buildings and dwelling houses, the architects such as A. Zachariewicz, J. Piątkowski, F. Kassler, A. Piller, W. Minkiewicz, J. Bagieński, T. Wróbel and R. Feliński took the path of evolution from “rational” Art Noveau to the Modernism and modernistic interpretation of the Classicism. In Neo-Classical building of the years 1910-1914 the elements of architectonic order or the Empire decoration underwent transformation, a free, ironical playing with the Classic was on. A well-known work of the early Functionalism is the “Magnus” Department Store, built by the design of Feliński in the years 1912-1913.The projects of decoration for Lviv interiors made by M. Olszewski in the years 1911-1914, in which the artist turned towards the heritage of past and exotic cultures, as well as the architectonic sculptures by Z. Kurczyński with their modernistic archaization announced the coming of Art Deco style of the 1920’s.

