Direct visualization techniques for the analysis of image data: the slice histogram and the growing entourage plot

  • Damon Crockett (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The following is a description of two novel techniques for the direct visualization of image data. Direct visualizations of image data make use of the images in their original visible format. The first technique, the slice histogram, arranges slices of images as histograms, organized by both visual and non-visual variables. The second technique, the growing entourage plot, organizes high-dimensional clusters of images on a 2D canvas by projection. Both techniques are designed for exploratory analysis of image datasets.




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direct visualization, images, exploratory data analysis
How to Cite
Crockett, Damon. 2016. “Direct Visualization Techniques for the Analysis of Image Data: The Slice Histogram and the Growing Entourage Plot”. International Journal for Digital Art History, no. 2 (October).