Manifestation of dreams in anxiety and depressive tendencies
Identifiers (Article)
Dreams are characterized by cognitive, sensory, and emotional instances that occur during the state of sleep. They are a universal human experience. The intention of this study is to determine the impact of Dream Variables (Nightmare/ Dream content, Dream Intensity, Dream Tone, Dream Recall, Nightmare Frequency, and Nightmare Distress) on Individuals with Anxiety and Depressive Tendencies. For this study, the data was collected using Convenient Sampling and Snowball Sampling (N=120). The assessment of dream variables and anxiety and depressive tendencies was done using MADRE Dream Questionnaire and DASS-21. The statistical analysis using Pearson r Correlation revealed that Dream Tone is negatively correlated to Anxiety and Depressive Tendencies, while there is a positive correlation with Nightmare Frequency and Nightmare Distress. A significant association was not found with Dream Intensity and Dream Recall. Furthermore, through ANOVA it was revealed that Individuals with Anxiety and Depressive Tendencies experience Dream Variables much differently than the Non-Clinical Population. They are more likely to experience negatively toned and intense dreams with more negative dream themes like death and abandonment. Additionally, they are also more prone to experiencing frequent nightmares as well as experiencing nightmare distress that continues in the waking state of consciousness.