Dreams and the rediffusion of barely mentalized experiences: Outline of a novel modeling approach
Identifiers (Article)
The author puts forward and elucidates the proposition that a dream is the result of an attributive function of signs that encompasses:
- the input set or “domain” englobing those perceptions that are sufficiently unsettling and that have not been apperceptionned (these are typically intuited evocations),
- the output set or “codomain”, which is the entire set of oneiric signs,
- the main antagonist of the dream who is the image of the “I” that is implicated in the input set,
- the responses of this “I” constitute the invariants (a rediffusion of the moods, affects, ideas, decisions and driving forces of the “I” in question).
Here the author presents the hypothesis of a morphism.

Published (Versions)
- 2024-10-21 (2)
- 2024-10-17 (1)
Barely mentalization, Dream, Highly mentalization, Apperception, Set theory, Intuited evocation, Function, Order relation
How to Cite
Ruyneau de Saint George, P. (2024). Dreams and the rediffusion of barely mentalized experiences: Outline of a novel modeling approach. International Journal of Dream Research, 17(2), 235–238. https://doi.org/10.11588/ijodr.2024.2.106335 (Original work published October 17, 2024)