“Experts” versus trained dream coders: Does it make a difference?

  • Jayne Isabel Gackenbach (Author)
    Grant MacEwan University
    Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan University
  • Taylor Witiw (Author)
    Grant MacEwan University
    Student in the Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan University
  • Mary-Lynn Ferguson (Author)
    Grant MacEwan University
    Student in the Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan University
  • Mycah Darlington (Author)
    Grant MacEwan University
    Honors Student in the Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan University
  • Carson Flockhart (Author)
    Grant MacEwan University
    Student in the Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan University
  • Dan Swanson (Author)
    Grant MacEwan University
    Honors Student in the Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan University
  • Steve Ahlswede (Author)
    Grant MacEwan University
    Student in the Department of Psychology, Grant MacEwan University

Identifiers (Article)


This is a consideration of possible issues in using expert versus trained dream coders. Our thesis is that due to their lifetime training, expert coders would be more aware of subtle aspects of their area of their expertise in dreams. Two domains are discussed video games and religious/spiritual experience in dreams.


coding, dreams, video games, players, experts, virtual reality
How to Cite
Gackenbach, J. I., Witiw, T., Ferguson, M.-L., Darlington, M., Flockhart, C., Swanson, D., & Ahlswede, S. (2013). “Experts” versus trained dream coders: Does it make a difference?. International Journal of Dream Research, 6(2), 132–135. https://doi.org/10.11588/ijodr.2013.2.10742