Applications of lucid dreams and their effects on the mood upon awakening

  • Tadas Stumbrys (Author)
  • Daniel Erlacher (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


In lucid dreams the dreamers are aware that they are dreaming and can use this state for a variety of different purposes. In an online survey, 528 respondents, of whom 386 were lucid dreamers, were asked how often have they used different applications of lucid dreams lately and how did this influence their mood upon awakening. According to the reports, wish fulfilment was the most frequent application used by 83% of lucid dreamers on 42.8% of occasions, followed by solving waking problems (57% of lucid dreamers; 14.5% of occasions), overcoming fears/nightmares (47%; 10.8%), spiritual experiences (43%; 8.1%), physical/mental healing (40%; 11.4%), and training motor skills (31%; 4.2%), with meditation being the least popular application (11%; 1.3%). Younger participants, as well as men, were more likely to engage in wish fulfilment, whereas more mature and more experienced lucid dreamers more used their lucid dreams for inner work (solving waking problems, physical/mental healing, meditation). Women were more likely to use their lucid dreams for overcoming fears/nightmares and healing. All applications influenced mood upon awakening positively to neutrally, with the most positive moods being after wish fulfilment, which helps to elucidate why it is the most popular application of lucid dreams.


lucid dreaming, applications, wish fulfilment, nightmare treatment, motor learning, problem solving, spirituality, meditation, healing
How to Cite
Stumbrys, T., & Erlacher, D. (2016). Applications of lucid dreams and their effects on the mood upon awakening. International Journal of Dream Research, 9(2), 146–150.