An investigation among dreams with sexual imagery, romantic jealousy and relationship satisfaction
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The present study was the first to explore dreams with sexual imagery in relation to the following waking day characteristics: infidelity (partner cheating or the target cheating), relationship satisfaction, romantic jealousy, and intimacy. Questionnaires were completed by 98 female undergraduate students. As expected, significant correlations were found with those who reported having a partner cheat on them with cognitive, emotional, and behavioural jealousy, and, dream infidelity. Findings also reveal that people who scored high in romantic jealousy also had dream imagery of infidelity and dream meaning (discovery) associated with infidelity. Dream infidelity was also associated with low relationship intimacy in waking day. Findings imply that The Storytelling Method of Dream Interpretation is useful for linking the interpretation of sex dreams to relevant waking day romantic relationship issues. Research implications and future directions are discussed.

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Creator (or owner) of fileTeresa L. DeCicco