“Complicated movements should be practiced in dreams” Paul Tholey about sports, lucid dreams and consciousness
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Paul Tholey (1937-1998) was one of the pioneers of modern lucid dream research and he had a tremendousimpact on lucid dream research in general and on my own work. Therefore, it is a pleasure to write a review about theedited book by Gerhard Stemberger (2018), which covers a collection of eleven papers written by Tholey. Stembergerand Tholey knew each other very well and this book was a long-planned project. Together with Tholey, when he was stillalive, they decided on the selection of papers included in this work. In this book review, I would like to introduce andreview the edited book and the papers of the collection, give some background information on Tholeys work, mainly inthe context of lucid dream research, and finally add some personal notes.Statistics

lucid dreaming, consciousness, Gestalt Theory
How to Cite
Erlacher, D. (2018). “Complicated movements should be practiced in dreams” Paul Tholey about sports, lucid dreams and consciousness. International Journal of Dream Research, 11(2), 230–233. https://doi.org/10.11588/ijodr.2018.2.51340