Italian adaptation of the Mannheim Dream Questionnaire (MADRE): Age, Gender and Dream Recall effects

  • Salvatore Settineri (Author)
    Department of Biomedical and Dental sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, University of Messina, Italy
  • Fabio Frisone (Author)
    Department of Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, Educational and Cultural Studies (COSPECS), University of Messina, Italy - Doctoral Course in Cognitive Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
  • Angela Alibrandi (Author)
    Department of Economics, Unit of Statistical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Messina
  • Emanuele Maria Merlo (Author)
    Department of Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, Educational and Cultural Studies (COSPECS), University of Messina, Italy 3 CRISCAT (International Research Center for Theoretical and Applied Cognitive Scienc - es) University of Messina and Universitary Consortium of Eastern Mediterranean, Noto (CUMO)

Identifiers (Article)


This research is aimed at extending the study of a relevant experience such as dreaming, through an Italian version of the Madre questionnaire. An observation group of 623 subjects with female prevalence (F = 57%, M = 43%) between the ages of 12 and 87 years old (average of 38.26 years; SD 14.71) was involved; the evaluation was carried out with the MADRE questionnaire, translated in Italian and corresponding to the original version. The statistical models performed in this article were linear regression for numerical variables, binary logistic regression for dichotomous variables and ordinal logistic regression for ordinal variables. Number and frequency related to items were reported, in line with the original article. The results were comparable to the previous versions, so effects of age, gender and dream recall were relevant as dependences. The research on dreams can serve as an integrative key point, opening doors to different perspectives inter alia based on evidence in literature. Our contribution has arisen from the wish to spread this method to the Italian population.


English; Italian
Dream, Lucid dreams, Nightmares, Italian adaptation, Gender effects, Mannheim Dream Questionnaire, age effects
How to Cite
Settineri, S., Frisone, F., Alibrandi, A., & Merlo, E. M. (2019). Italian adaptation of the Mannheim Dream Questionnaire (MADRE): Age, Gender and Dream Recall effects. International Journal of Dream Research, 12(1), 119–129.