Pilot study on geometrical movement in lucid dreams
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In this pilot study a group of volunteer lucid dreamers were recruited to trace out specific simple symmetrical geometric structures, whilst lucid in their dreams. The experiment was a joint effort between the Dream Research Institute (DRI) in London, and Robert Waggoner, co-editor of the Lucid Dreaming Experience magazine (LDE). The purpose was to explore a hypothetical observation by psychotherapist Nigel Hamilton that psychotherapy clients who ultimately completed a balanced geometric movement in their non-lucid dream series, then experienced greater psychological balance and progress in therapy (Hamilton 2014). This novel pilot study sought to find whether tracing out simple symmetrical geometrical figures in the lucid dream produced any significant effect on or within the dream space. Two analytical methods, including a contents analysis revealed the significance of light/colour emerging in the dream imagery during the completion of the lucid dream exercises, as well as the addition of symbols of symmetry in the lucid dream imagery. By contrast, obstacles and a relative lack of colour/light appearing during the exercise tended to be associated with a lack of symmetry in the imagery and a greater difficulty in completing the geometric figures. Results also suggest that the lucid dreamer does not control the lucid dream, instead they influence the dream and frequently relate to unconscious activity in response.