A Forest of Owls: Reflections on healing dreams and their attendant, and rewarding, lexicons

  • Barbara J. Genovese (Author)
    Freelance writer

Identifiers (Article)


You may read, within my journey, of a resonant landscape in your dreams – perhaps intimations unheeded, messages waiting to be deciphered, signs worthy of your exploration, and curiosity. It is my experience that our inner and outer worlds share a common vein or seam, and that the two are luminously interwoven. Within, there is a hidden life that offers a rich resource for understanding, realignment and healing; within, the history in our bodies has a voice. Our dreams have the ability, and capacity, to forge a reconciliation with, and forgiveness of, the past – so that we can move forward into a more vibrant, graceful, and potent present, and future.


Dream diary, Healing
How to Cite
Genovese, B. J. (2020). A Forest of Owls: Reflections on healing dreams and their attendant, and rewarding, lexicons . International Journal of Dream Research, 13(2), 314–316. https://doi.org/10.11588/ijodr.2020.2.71369