Frequency and nature of flying dreams in a long dream series

  • Michael Schredl (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Although many authors have speculated about the possible correlates of flying dreams, empirical research in this area is scarce. In a long series of 6701 dreams, 1.72% (115 dreams) of them included unaided flying. These showed great variability in characteristics like body position while flying; the activities that triggered flying; the method of flying; presence of other flying persons and being seen by other dream characters. Dreams with normal flying were associated with the waking-life experience of flying, whereas non-lucid flying dreams were not. Being lucid in a dream affects the characteristics of flying dreams. Assuming continuity on an emotional level, large-scale diary studies are needed to investigate the relationship between the emotions of flying dreams and waking life experiences.


Flying dreams, continuity hypothesis, dream series
How to Cite
Schredl, M. (2011). Frequency and nature of flying dreams in a long dream series. International Journal of Dream Research, 4(1), 31–34.