Frequency of lucid dreams in a long dream series of an infrequent lucid dreamer

  • Michael Schredl (Author)
    Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany

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As actual lucid dreaming frequency is quite low, research has focused on a large variety of induction methods but has never studied the long-term effects of these methods. The present study is based on a series of 8,420 dreams of a young male over a span of twenty-three years. Overall, 94 lucid dreams were recorded (1.12%). As expected, lucid dreaming frequency increased after attending a lucid dreaming workshop and regular reality-check training. But two years after discontinuing the training, lucid dreaming frequency returned to baseline levels. It is suggested that the long-term effects of different lucid dream induction techniques be studied more systematically.


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Dream series, lucid dreaming, binary time series
How to Cite
Schredl, M. (2013). Frequency of lucid dreams in a long dream series of an infrequent lucid dreamer. International Journal of Dream Research, 6(1), 65–68.